
A Women’s Circle is a container to step outside your normal roles and responsibilities, connect with other (women), breathe, reassess, honor beauty and nature ….

Does it have to be women?

No, but as equilibrium and evolution for history’s tendency to divide, conquer and rule … circles are feminine, nurturing, curvy, accepting … when you sit in a circle, you sit as equals. There is no head to a circle … just continuing, flowing life.

Every Women’s Circle is unique. Some are open to new members, some are closed. Some study the Bible. Others are pagan. Some start with yoga; others a craft or singing.

The one that I have been hosting for the past two years is not built on any one religion, but draws from many.

Every Women’s Circle is similar … in that, their purpose is growth, connection, empowerment, Love.

When you put an intention out there, you will find it returning …

Women’s Circles are ways to connect with the Anima Mundi, the soul of the world, the divine principle within creation.

Women are creators.

What are you creating in your life?