In this short video, I show you, how, on your free smartphone app, you can quickly and easily find Podcasts to listen to. Note: you must register and log in (quick, easy and free!) and then use code ‘a new world’ (FROM THE WEBSITE not the smartphone app, to get access to member areas. (or pay the $4/month, c’mon THAT is what supports the app, not selling your info, or deep corporate pockets, but your lil’ $4/month. THANK YOU)

Once you have ‘joined the community’ (activated the promocode or taken a membership), then log in on the free smartphone app and do the below.

The app rocks. Check it out.

Apple here.   Android here.

Use code ‘a new world’ from website (after logging in!) to get full access to all areas.


33 USES of the Divine Feminine App